Topic > Animal Cruelty - 1163

The fin is necessary to keep the whale upright and stable. It will fold up and become unusable for the whale if it suffers from this condition. Dehydration, lack of exercise and unnatural diets cause this condition and it is extremely painful for the whale (orca dorsal fin collapse). Collapse can also be caused by lack of swimming. Killer whales are known to swim great distances every day and are constantly on the move. Ocean water provides pressure and keeps the tissues inside the fin healthy and upright. The dorsal fins can collapse due to the fact that the orca spends most of the time on the surface of the water. The whale is unable to swim long distances or dive too deep, so there is no pressure or water support on the fin (Killer Whale Dorsal Fin Collapse). The consequences of fin collapse are fatal to fish if not treated with immediate care (Orca Dorsal Fin Collapse). Zoos destroy the natural life of animals. (Smith 1). Zoo animals feel alone with their surroundings because they are kept within certain boundaries throughout their lives. Animals that naturally travel long miles every day are unable to do so. For example, elephants walk up to thirty miles in a day, bears are active for nearly eighteen hours, and lions love to explore and hunt. In the included area animals cannot live as freely as in their natural habitat. The animals