The community of Denham Town is a predominantly residential neighborhood in west-central Kingston, Jamaica. Unfortunately it has earned a reputation as one of the most violent communities in inner-city Kingston. Although they have had to deal with crime and violence over the years, other social problems such as drug/alcohol abuse, gang violence, educational gaps and unemployment have significantly affected young people. The scourge of crime and violence has reportedly scarred inner-city youth, hence the NCB Foundation has sought to avoid some of these challenges. Since then he has helped improve the lives of the most vulnerable and at-risk young people. Therefore, the intention of this study is to evaluate the contributions of the NCB Foundation on young people in the Denham Town community. Definition/Conceptualization of Technical Terms: To gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand, it is necessary to conceptualize the NCB Foundation. The Foundation's mission, according to its official website, the organization respects and embraces charitable causes relevant to the betterment of Jamaica and ultimately leads to a sense of corporate social responsibility through strategic partnerships focused on population development of the nation. In saying this, the NCB Foundation contributes to the provision of better quality education and through social partnerships with stakeholders; helps alleviate crime among our nation's youth. Youth is defined by the Macmillan dictionary as that period of time in an individual's life when he or she is young. Objectives:1. An investigation into the ways in which young people in the Denh community...... half of the paper ......n the factors that influence young people's development. This study deviates from the qualitative methodology used by Hamilton et al in their study to collect data. According to a newspaper article published in The Gleaner (Wednesday, June 8, 2011) by Kaymian Weekley, the NCB Foundation scholarship program was established because the Foundation saw a need to help students who excel academically, but could not having some or all of the resources to pursue one's interests. Programs Manager Bridgette Rhoden said the foundation believes in building Jamaica and is committed to helping young people get an education. He further emphasized that the foundation is keen to contribute to youth development because young people face obstacles in achieving their careers, and also for others to recognize that these young people will ultimately help in nation building..