Little Shop of Horrors is a musical comedy written by Howard Ashman and composed by Alan Menken. It follows the story of a failing flower shop, Mushnik's Skid Row Florists, in the middle of an extremely poor and thriving Skid Row. While the owner and employees lament their misfortunes over the absence of customers and the woes of living on Skid Row, the owner, Mr. Mushnik, decides to close the store. After hearing this, an employee, Seymour Krelborn, reveals a rig he's been working on that is supposedly exactly what the store needs to re-emerge on the market. The plant looks like a large Venus fly trap, and Seymour names it Audrey II after his fellow employee, Audrey, with whom he is secretly in love. They put it in the store window and immediately customers come in and purchase most of the store's merchandise. After seeing the success of this new plant, Mr. Mushnik orders Seymour to nurse the plant back to health, as the plant does not do well in this environment. While Seymour attends to this task, he accidentally pricks his finger on a rose thorn on the plant, and upon tasting blood, the plant swells and comes to life. Once this happens, Seymour realizes that his plant needs blood to stay alive. She then continues to allow him to draw blood from her finger. Audrey II becomes a big attraction for the flower shop and customers continue to come in large numbers and business thrives. Seymour goes from underdog to hero with his new addition to the shop and his secret crush. Audrey leaves her abusive boyfriend, Orin Scrivello, to confess her love for Seymour. As the store continues to thrive, renovations begin with the increase in renovations they are receiving. Orin Writes...... middle of paper...... of the flower shop at the beginning of the show, I would have set the stage with very minimal scenes to emphasize the absence of wealth. I would have liked a very obvious clock in the opening scene to emphasize the slow passage of time. I think the emphasis should be on the plan and the characters, not on an elaborate archive or staged scenes. The main element should be the processing of the plant as it grows and thrives. Nothing should take away from that. I think the absence of unnecessary props will allow the audience to interpret the underdevelopment of Skid Row and also focus on the plot development and character changes, especially in the case of Seymour and Audrey at the beginning of their relationship, which will make the final scene even more dramatic when they both die at the hands of Audrey II.