According to the authors Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn Jr., Osborn (2013), communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. The message must have a meaning attached and is encoded by the sender and decoded by the recipient. Feedback is the process in which the recipient subsequently communicates another message and returns it to the sender, creating interpersonal communication (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn Jr., Osborn, 2013). Interpersonal communication is important because it is more accurate and efficient (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn Jr., Osborn, 2013). Compared with one-way communication, interpersonal communication can ensure that the recipient and sender can reach the same understanding and cause less chance of misinterpretation. These misinterpretations could be caused by communication barriers that include interpersonal, physical, semantic, and cultural barriers (Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn Jr., Osborn,