Genetic Research and Gene Therapy The human genome is the key to gene therapy, genetic diagnosis and even the genetic engineering of humans. The human genome is a map of the entire DNA sequence, a blue book, of the individual, currently being mapped by the Human Genome Project. Knowing where and which gene controls which trait and causes which genetic disease will provide doctors with a powerful tool to treat their patients at the molecular level. On the other hand, people can seize the opportunity to manipulate genes to create the perfect child or improve a specific trait. One of the few ways to achieve these goals is through research on human embryos. Genetic research on human embryos has two implications. One in therapeutic research (to detect and hopefully correct genetic defects), which is more practical, and the other is for parents to decide what their child should look like (or an extreme word, eugenics). The latter, which is currently wishful thinking but will become reality in the future if the technology becomes feasible. This article will mainly discuss therapeutic research (the medical practice and technological aspect of genetic engineering on embryos) to show what can be done medically and its implications. The consequences, the moral and ethical question of genetic research on human embryos will not be discussed at length here, as this is a topic also covered by other groups and within my group. Currently, in therapeutic research, one of the things that can be done is a process called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). PGD is a new medical treatment that incorporates in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology and the ability to genetically remove a single cell from an 8-cell embryo to detect any genetic abnormalities (Forbidden Knowledge). This way, "couples at high genetic risk [will have the] chance to go into pregnancy knowing that their baby will not have a fatal hereditary disease" instead of stressing over whether or not to undergo a prenatal test such as amniocentesis, which requires the pregnancy to be at least 15 weeks (Forbidden Knowledge). Some of the major genetic diseases that can be detected are cystic fibrosis, Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease, some forms of cancer (Carmosino), chromosomal aneuploidy for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, ) and sickle cell anemia. anemia (Henig, 58). Gene therapy, which is in its early stages, will benefit greatly from embryo research.