Criterion-referenced tests have been around since the 1970s. The creation of the Criterion Referenced Test helped establish specific standards. It was created to establish certain information and learning needed to continue the next steps in a child's education. With criterion-referenced testing, student learning is compared to the criteria or standards, not to other students. These types of assessments consist of multiple-choice items that match the curriculum, or at least are supposed to match the curriculum. The question at hand is whether or not the CRCT assessment is an effective assessment program to use. According to FairTest, the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, “some CRTs, like many state tests, are not based on a specific curriculum, but on a more general idea of what students might be taught (FairTest, 2007) . The Georgia Department of Education said the CRCT assessment measures how well a student has acquired the knowledge and skills covered by the curriculum at his or her grade level. This end-of-year evaluation tool is not relevant to me since I teach in Alabama, but the criteria that accompany effective evaluations such as validity, reliability, norming information, standard error of measurement (SEM), etc. they are all components used in American schools to correctly prepare and analyze assessments. This research paper will discuss the components of CRCT evaluation and whether this program is effective or not. Is the CRCT an effective assessment? The Criterion Referenced Proficiency Test, also known as the CRCT, was created in 2000 that all students, first grade through eighth grade, are required to take. ...... half of the document ......sessment/Assessment/Documents/2702772_sig_s12GA%20%282%29.pdfHambleton, Ronald (2009, December 23) Criterion-referenced tests. Retrieved from Achievement on the CRCT (2006-2008). Photo retrieved from, Shaun (2011, August 25) Standardized Tests: Time for a national opt-out. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved from, R.L., & Gronlund, N.E. (2000). Measurement and evaluation in teaching (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Retrieved from Education Reform Glossary, 2013). Retrieved from