"Cocaine and crack are among the most addictive substances known to modern science, and they have already ruined the lives of millions of Americans" (Morganthau and Miller, 208). Cocaine and crack are both dangerous and harmful drugs. While pleasurable effects can be achieved from these drugs, the use of crack and cocaine may not be worth the actual consequences that are inflicted on the mind and body. The negative effects of these drugs far outweigh the positive ones. Because crack and cocaine are so closely related, it is important to have a thorough understanding of both drugs. Cocaine (Coca Cola) is produced from the Erythroxylon coca plant, a coca tree that grows in the Andes of South America. The goal of coca farmers is to harvest and process the leaves into a paste from which cocaine is extracted (Edwards, 64). These Indians from Bolivia and Peru chew coca leaves for mild stimulation, which helps combat fatigue caused by the high altitude at which they work. Chewing the leaves does not appear to harm users, because the stimulant chemical extracted from them is present in such small quantities. They stop chewing coca leaves when they come down from high altitude because there is no longer any need for it (Edwards, 63). Cocaine is known as the most powerful drug (Mickey, 2). It is an odorless powder, sometimes crystalline and sometimes soft white. Pure cocaine hydrochloride is so potent that a dose of one gram is lethal. Because very small amounts of cocaine induce euphoria, dealers "cut" pure cocaine powder with adulterants such as mannite, dextrose, lactose, tartaric acid, and baking soda (Edwards, 65). Crack is derived from cocaine, a very powerful drug that is about 75...... half of the sheet ......t?"Works cited Beschner, George and Alfred S. Friedman. Teen Drug Use. Lexington, Massachusetts: DC Health and Company, 1986.Edwards, Gabrielle I. Coping With Drug Abuse New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc., 1990. Knowles, Gordan James MA "Crack Cocaine Trafficking: A View from the Streets of Honolulu, Forces Bulletin FBI Order, July 1996: 1-8". Mickey, Dr. Robert. "Angel Dust, Crack, Grass, Ice, Junk." Christian Social ActionJune 1990: 8+. Morganthau, Tom and Mark Miller "A "Stricter Law Enforcement Will Win the War on Drugs." San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press, 1990. Schroder, Donald D. "Cocaine Use Is Not Sensationalized" St. Paul, Minnesota: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1985. Zonderman, Jon and Laurel Shader MDDrugs and DiseaseNew York, New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987.