When a Minnesota dentist killed a prized African lion named "Cecil," he received an onslaught of criticism and reignited the debate over big game hunting. Is big game hunting wrong? Should big game hunting continue? Big game hunting has long been a highly controversial topic and these types of questions are asked on a daily basis. There are many people for and many against. This issue causes a lot of extreme behavior and ideas on both sides. Those who oppose it believe it is morally wrong, unfair to animals and harmful to the environment. Those who support it believe that it is about citizens' rights and a way to commit to the environment. Hunting is the law and must not be violated. In defense of hunters I believe there are five main issues of concern. The first big issue regarding big game hunting is that it is considered a citizen's right. Anti-hunters believe that there is no right for anyone to take the life of another living being. It would be morally wrong. The thought of going out and killing an animal for fun is simply frightening to these individuals. Perhaps they believe that hunters will raise a generation of killers. They would argue that there are many other things in this world that could bring this kind of excitement to a person. The right to hunt is the law. The twenty-ninth article states: "...to ensure due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others..." If this is the law, then it cannot be violated. This isn't really about big game hunting. These rights are personal rights of citizens of the United States. Parents can choose what they want for their children and let them do what they want, and if that desire is a chase, then let it be. When other people who oppose hunting try to stop this freedom, then they are at fault and are wrong by violating the rights of others. These actions are illegal and should be taken care of. In C. M. Dixon's article, "The Hunting Ban is an Affront to Liberty," he states that he has "never heard of hunters violating the just demands of public order or the general welfare" (2). From the hunting experiences I have had I agree with this statement one hundred percent.