Hospice and assisted suicide/EuthanasiaA cited work This essay will present the point of view of that worldwide organization called Hospice which has witnessed the silent and natural death of millions of terminally ill patients – without resorting to medically assisted suicide. It is important that the voice of the terminally ill patient's greatest caregiver is heard and listened to carefully. Because they have more experience. The Hemlock Society is nothing (in scope, importance, goals) compared to this great Hospice Organization (HO). Hospice professionals and health workers have given much attention and consideration to the issue of physician-assisted suicide in recent years, and adopted an organizational position on the issue as early as February 1992. Last year, as the debate intensified, the HO not only reaffirmed its previous position, but strengthened it. The Organization's resolution clearly states: "That assisted suicide is not a component of hospice care; ..." and "That the Hospice Organization does not support the legalization of voluntary euthanasia or assisted suicide in hospice care of terminally ill patients". , probably more than any other group of healthcare workers, face the desperation that many people feel when they accept the fact that their illness may be the cause of their death. In this process, hospice staff face not only the physical pain of the illness, but also the emotional pain of dealing with abandonment by their family, the social pain of enduring what may be considered humiliations, and the associated spiritual pain to their cultural and personal beliefs. about life after death. Through a unique interdisciplinary approach to hospice care, patients who choose hospice receive care for all their concerns. Hospice care providers have discovered three main reasons why a terminally ill patient might want to talk about suicide. One is the fear of uncontrolled pain. Another is the fear of abandonment, of being left alone to die and feeling like there is no one to care. The third is concern about the financial pressures that could leave a family devastated by the latest illness. Hospice addresses these concerns as quickly as possible in the disease process, and hospice workers everywhere will tell the public that when these problems are under control, the desire to end one's life becomes a non-issue. Hospital workers dedicate their professional and often personal lives to successfully solving these problems. The hospice community is very concerned about the legalization of