Topic > Prostitution in the United States - 1027

Prostitution is illegal in the United States, except for some counties in Nevada. However, prostitution is present in most of the United States, despite it being legalized. Prostitution is an act by which a person sells their body for sexual purposes. In the United States, prostitution is divided into three broad categories; street, escort and brothel prostitution. Brothel prostitution occurs in brothels, which are houses where prostitutes can sell sexual services. This type of prostitution is illegal in all parts of America, except for example in some counties of Nevada; Douglas County, Clark County, Carson City, Washoe County, and Lincoln County. Another form of prostitution is escort prostitution. This is always considered entertainment and massage service. It should be heavily regulated, but unfortunately it isn't because, in many counties where it is practiced, the only difference between escorts and street prostitution is a phone call. The last category of prostitution is street prostitution. This is the most unaccepted and illegal type of prostitution in the United States. Street prostitution involves scantily clad women and men wandering the streets looking for clients to sell their bodies to. It is the most frowned upon form of prostitution because it is practiced openly. The question is: should prostitution be legalized in the United States? The answer is yes, because it will help eliminate all the vices related to prostitution. Opponents argue that prostitution has health effects and that is why it remains illegal in most of the United States. Prostitution has social, economic, physical and a number of mental implications. Prostitutes and their clients are subject to a paper rule......inst prostitution, so why are some brothels legal, but prostitution as a whole is illegal? Prostitution should not be a crime as the United States understands it, because prostitutes are not committing an intrinsically harmful act. Although it is claimed that there will be spread of disease, increase in criminal activity and health effects, all of this has been disputed by advocates and will in fact, if legalised, lead to a reduction in the problems mentioned above. If prostitution is legalized, it will be regulated and thus all the implications mentioned will be eliminated. Works Cited Barry, Kathleen. Sexual prostitution: the global exploitation of women. New York: New York University Press, 1996. Print.Guillen, Tomas. Serial Killer: Issues Explored During the Green River Murders. New York: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. Print.