Once upon a time, books were written by hand in beautiful calligraphy and accompanied by beautiful illustrations found between the leather bindings. Being very expensive, these works of art were highly prized and appreciated. Of course, when the invention of printing revolutionized the written word, some feared that the tradition of reading books aloud together would become unpopular and that an exquisite art form would be lost forever. The first book ever printed was The Bible (Kreis), which led religious leaders to fear that people might actually think they could read and interpret the Bible for themselves. And, of course, what would all scribes do for a living? While an art form was lost, easy access to books lit the fire for a new era, that of education, science and the arts. After all, the printing press is believed to be the greatest invention of all time. We now find ourselves in the midst of a new revolution and a new era. The development of electronic books, or eBooks, has changed the way people around the world read, both for study and entertainment. It is now possible to carry an entire library of 3500 books (Carnoy) or more in the palm of your hand. Although the resource of electronic books has countless benefits, there are still many who prefer the comfort of tradition. It's been a long, boring day at the office. Your eyes are bloodshot from staring at your computer screen all day and your fingers are cramping from pounding away at the keyboard. On the drive home, your mind wanders to the worn but beloved copy of Wuthering Heights sitting on your bedside table. Its pages are filled with your thoughts and notes, and the cover is stained mocha brown from... the center of the paper... to, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. September 19, 2011. Web. September 19, 2011Carnoy, David. "Amazon Kindle review: Watch CNET's video review." Product Reviews - Electronics Reviews, Computer Reviews & More - CNET Reviews. CBS Interactive, August 27, 2010. Web. September 22, 2011. Guernsey, Lisa. "Are ebooks good? (Cover article)." School Library Journal 57.6 (2011): 28. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Network. September 19, 2011aKlienman, Sam. “Print Books vs. Digital Books.” Palm power. ZATZ Editions. Network. September 19, 2011.Kreis, Steven. "The typography". The Story Guide - Main. May 13, 2004. Web. 26Memmott, Carol. "The Popularity of E-Books Is Rewriting Sales History - USATODAY.com." United States today. Gannett Co Inc., 6 Sep 11. Web. 19 Sep 2011. Raitt, Dr. David. Theme: Electronic books. 1st ed. vol. 23. Bradford: Emerald Group, 2005. Print.