Topic > Christianity in the nursing profession - 1124

Nurses are an essential part of the healthcare system and society. Nurses require specific knowledge, preparation and skills in their profession. They must have adequate training in issues related to the management of patients, medications and medical records, among other issues. The nursing profession requires advanced knowledge and skills that exceed the needs of any special services company. The nursing profession is a vocation because it involves a great sacrifice of personal time, patient time, discipline, values, ethics and other essential qualities. Nurses provide help, support and care to human beings regardless of their gender, social status, financial situation and position they occupy in society. Therefore, nurses should care for the whole patient. Christian nurses enter the profession more as a calling than a duty. Christian nurses undertake their work and responsibilities by respecting the ethical code of nursing and professional practice. However, Christian values ​​and the expectations of the Christian faith. Christian faith and values ​​require a person to treat others with love, care and discipline. The values ​​of the Christian faith guide an individual and the profession he decides to undertake (Doornbos &, 2005). As a Christian nurse, one is expected to care for the whole patient, which includes emotional health, physical health, and health. spiritual health. First and foremost, a Christian nurse has the responsibility to ensure that the patient receives adequate care of his or her emotional health. The nurse takes care of the patient's emotional health in several ways. The Christian faith requires that individuals treat others with love. Therefore, a Christian nurse should express love for her patients. The nurse offers love... middle of paper... ck, 2008). Social justice includes courage, integrity and objectivity. A nurse has the responsibility to act as a health care advocate for patients. A nurse should allocate resources equitably. Social justice is about treating patients fairly. A nurse should not discriminate against patients based on social class, financial ability, or other factors. A nurse should be fair and handle patients with tolerance (American Holistic Nurses' Association & Frisch, 2000). In conclusion, the nursing profession requires people who can persevere and sacrifice their time and service for other people. A Christian nurse should provide for the emotional, physical and spiritual health of patients in accordance with Christian teachings and the code of nursing conduct and ethics. A nurse should understand the core values ​​of nursing, to effectively manage patients and provide them with appropriate care.