Like leadership types, the choice of which power to use is highly situational. There are six basic types of power: • Legitimate power – This is the power that comes from holding a position within an organization • Reward power – This is the power a leader has to reward subordinates for a job well done . • Coercive power – The power that comes from the ability to punish and intimidate a follower.• Network power – Otherwise known as connection power, a leader uses his or her contacts as a source of power.• Expert power – This type of power comes from a thorough understanding of the task requiring to be accomplished, this type Power can be extremely strong. • Charismatic power – The ability to influence followers based on the leader's personality. Politicians often use this type of power to convince their followers to support them. Probably the most difficult part of leadership is knowing which leadership style is best to use, by carefully evaluating one's abilities and the situation a good leader can adapt the leadership style as needed to be as effective as possible. This requires the leader to be flexible and adapt as needed to maximize the