(Kailasam, Vasanth Kattalai and Erin Samuels). Cyberbullying should be taken more seriously through social media. It is not easy to identify people's emotional posts on social media. Once something is said through social media, it tends to follow through through public schools. Students exaggerate and tend to tell the whole class what has been published. There are kids who ignore false rumors, and then there are kids who can only take so much and choose to homeschool. Being homeschooled isn't bad, they miss out on extracurricular activities, sports, and so on, but if the student who chooses to homeschool would rather do that than attend a public school where kids are bullied, then that's the best thing to do. do it and feel comfortable. However, another example is someone losing confidence in themselves. It's something that can't be changed once someone tells you otherwise. Self-confidence has had such a negative effect on people today because