(paragraph 2.4) Note: Adapted from https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2008/08/20/pay. Seeing what the above financial impact of attending college right after high school can be is powerful. What most people neglect to take advantage of is employer tuition reimbursement. Tuition reimbursement is becoming a trending topic. Compdata|consulting (2012) surveys reported that 56.6% of employers now offer tuition reimbursement. This means that 13 million employees have the opportunity to take advantage or have their tuition reimbursed. In conclusion, I have indicated information to support waiting a year or more to attend college. When you need to make a decision. Remember that entering the workforce before attending college will provide experience and knowledge to make mentally clear choices. Allowing you to make choices not based on random and spontaneous needs. As well as being able to help see things from the point of view of reality. To avoid going into debt for obtaining your education. Or borrow money from family. You need to look for a job that offers tuition reimbursement. Personally, because I have been working with my employer for over 10 years. They provide us with full tuition reimbursement for our college education. At this point in my life I have gained knowledge of the field I want to work in until I retire. As well as learning which fields I want to avoid. If I had gone straight to college