Topic > Compare and Contrast Manual Transmission Car and Automatic Transmission Car

It can be difficult to get used to using the clutch pedal, particularly when you're sitting in traffic and fearful at the thought of stalling. Most people who have never driven a car with a manual transmission panic when there is traffic or when they have to stop on a steep slope. However, once you get used to using the clutch, these situations will no longer scare you. They will become a habit instead of having to think about it. You will no longer have to think and wonder when your car is in gear, you will start to feel it and know where the exact point is where your clutch hits when it is in gear. When you stop on a steep slope, you will roll backwards in a manual car; you have to know when to release the clutch and when to give more gas. Unlike a manual car, automatic cars require less thought and more action. Meanwhile the person in a manual transmission car is stopped in traffic, the person driving the automatic transmission car has the car moving and all he has to worry about is pressing the brake so as not to collide with the person who has in front of. While an automatic car may seem simpler and require less work, a manual car becomes the same way