Having a structured training process is one of the most important aspects of hiring, and over the years, "research continues to show the link between training and increased productivity" (Woods , Johnson, & Sciarini, 2012, p. The reason training is so incredibly important is because if employees are not trained properly, they will likely end up quitting or being fired for not meeting the standards they are supposed to inadequate leads to unproductive employees, which could lead to employee termination, resulting in a high turnover rate. Turnover costs approximately $3,000-$10,000 per hourly employee, and separation costs, replacement costs, and training costs add up from time to time. time when an employee is fired to when the next employee successfully performs their job (Woods, Johnson, & Sciarini, 2012, p. 411 the textbook, “trained employees produce more than new employees who are still there). learning… and they sell more items than interns,” which means it is more profitable to train your employees as quickly and efficiently as possible to make them the best employees they can be. be (Woods, Johnson, & Sciarini, 2012, p. 411). In creating my training program, I will need to establish training objectives, establish training criteria,