When purchasing a book online, people have noticed that multiple books do not have the same covers. Usually the reason people buy a book online is quick access and convenience. The entire structure of a book does not occur to the reader. Others argue that the book cover is just as important. Digital readers take covers for granted. Hard copies can have a three-dimensional dynamic feel when it comes to the cover. It could encapsulate a lot of glitter and metallic strokes that give another feel to the story. In a Mashable online article “Why Print Books Will Never Die,” Josh Cato describes: “It had to grab your attention from its place on the shelf. For this reason, the best designed covers were often beautiful works of art. This is not the case in the digital world." For example, six-year-old Suzy from Seymour Primary School does not choose a book from the library because of the contents listed on the back of the book. Instead, she chooses the book for the cute sunflowers on the cover. The facade of a book has an extraordinary impact on observers who peek between the shelves. It doesn't just apply to children. The cover of a book is what often pushes adults to choose a book too. It's not that easy to completely fall in love with the book while looking at a screen, especially compared to grasping the book through your hands.