Topic > Discuss the positive and negative aspects of...

1.0 IntroductionGlobalization is a process of bringing the world under a similar unity without being confined by geographical boundaries and a nation. Through this process, the world will finally no longer have borders with a country air, and the sky was wide open for the entry of a variety of information transmitted through various intermediate communication media such as the Internet, electronic media and information technology. This development allows the relationship between one country and another and relationships with other people can happen in a short period. According to the House Dictionary it is defined as the phenomenon of globalization making the world smaller in terms of human relations due to the speed of development of information technology. While Western scholars define globalization as a process that offers spacious life and infinity encompasses all aspects of life such as political, social and economic and can be felt by the entire humanity in this world. This means that everything falls under the concept of a world without borders. In this era of globalization, the world is reduced from the original facade. If before the world was as far as the eye could see and bounded by borders, but that won't happen anymore. Even today we can feel what globalization is. The rapid explosion of information technology is the medium of the globalization agenda. The world is not only bounded by geographical borders but beyond the borders of economic, technological, linguistic, cultural, ideological, political globalization and all aspects of community life. . These transformations also give positive and negative effects to each country, for example to third world countries such as Europe, India and Malaysia. 2.0 What is the First World, S...... middle of paper ...... tama, kedua dan ketiga.Available: itu-negara-dunia-pertama-kedua.htmlLast accessed 25 June 2014.6.1.3 The Wu Wei. (5 October 2012). Apa itu Negara dunia pertama, kedua dan ketiga. Available: Last accessed 25 June 2014.6.1.4 UK Essay.Com. (2003-2014). Essay on Globalization and its Impact on Malaysian Media. Available: And Its Impact On Malaysia Media Essay.htm. Last accessed 25 June 20146.2 Article/Journal6.2.1 Tatiana Iakovleva, Marina Solesvik, Anna Trifilova, (2013) "Financial availability and government support for women entrepreneurs in transition economies: cases of Russia and Ukraine", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 20 Iss: 2, pp.314 – 340