Topic > How to teach English to students from rural backgrounds?

The rapid growth of technology has increased the importance of the English language as it is the language spoken by most people in the world. It plays a significant role in many sectors, including medicine, engineering, education, etc. The growing demand for English has turned learning English into a passion and even a fad for many Indian citizens. Many teaching methodologies are adopted by teachers to facilitate the learning of the English language. But no methodology has achieved complete success in teaching English to students from rural areas. Teaching foreign language to students has become a challenging task for Indian teachers, especially those from rural areas. In the current scenario, most of the teachers give importance only to the task-based approach, completely neglecting grammar, i.e. the traditional approach. . Even though teachers try to teach grammar, students show little attention to grammar. But without grammar there is no possibility of good communication. This article shows how to teach students homework-based lessons without neglecting grammar and vocabulary. Keywords: approaches, task-based grammar lessons, learning vocabulary through images, activities that increase levels of accuracy and fluency. How to Teach English to Rural Students Background?I: Introduction: Communication is a two-way process that we use from birth. We use communication to make connections and develop effective relationships with each other. It is an interdisciplinary method as it involves the sender, the transmitter and the recipient. There are myriad ways to communicate with others, but the fundamental way to approach others is language. Language plays a vital role in the media... center of paper...Schaum's Outlines Series.McGraw Hill.1991.Print.Lakshmynarayana.KR English for Technical Communication. Chennai: SCITECH Publications (India) Pvt.Ltd.2004.Print.McCarthy Michael and Felicity o'Dell. English vocabulary in use. United Kingdom.Cambridge University Press.1999.Print.McCarthy Michael and Felicity O'Dell. English phrasal verbs in use. Cambridge University Press. 2004.print.Nageshwar Rao and Rajendra .P.Das(eds). Communication skills. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House. 2005.Print.Raymond Murphy. Murphy's English Grammar. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.2004.Print.Richard.C.Jack. Communicative language teaching today.Cambridge University Press.2006Shovel Martin. Making sense of phrasal verbs.UK:Prentice Hall International Limited.1992.Print.Susan Ratcliffe. Oxford Quotes and Sayings. United States: Oxford University Press.2001.Print.