Topic > Integrating Technology at the Elementary Level

IntroductionPurpose and Problem: As we enter the 21st century, many education professionals are rethinking how students learn and teachers teach. One approach to rethinking education is to create interdisciplinary learning and provide authentic learning experiences with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics, known as STEM. Another approach to 21st century learning is to implement digital schools and one-to-one classrooms. Society's changing views of technology require the curriculum to change as well. Integrating technology into interdisciplinary learning at the elementary level enhances learning and prepares students by providing 21st century skills. More recently, STEM, the understanding that science, technology, engineering and mathematics go together, has emerged as a priority in education. Meanwhile, English language arts and reading (ELAR) are implemented separately. ELAR also directly relates to STEM subjects because students read, write, listen, speak, watch, and present while participating in the STEM curriculum. Technology helps connect fragmented parts of curricula, fill gaps, and make education more accessible to all students. The idea of ​​teaching all content areas while providing students with authentic learning experiences transforms them into more well-rounded individuals with the desire to become lifelong learners. Drawing on constructivist teaching theory, cognitive science research, and sound pedagogy, students benefit from integrating technology into interdisciplinary learning. Research foundations Theoretical foundations Philosophical. A school's philosophy serves as the initial framework in which educators make decisions to implement the curriculum. Philosophy provides the center of the paper that reaches their students. Integrating technology is another way to provide a varied approach to learning in an effort to reach all students. Works Cited Etchison, C. (1994). Technology plays a major role in integrating the elementary curriculum. Technology Teacher, 53(8), 31.It's elementary! Integrating technology in primary classrooms. (2007). YC: Young Children, 62(5), 99.Kemker, K., Barron, A. E., & Harmes, J. (2007). Laptops in elementary classrooms: Authentic instruction with at-risk students. Educational Media International, 44(4). 305-321. doi:10.1080/09523980701680888Ornstein, A. C., & Hunkins, F. P. (2013). Curriculum: Foundations, principles and problems. (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A theory of learning for the digital age. Retrieved from