IntroductionThe computer is one of the most important and common sources of communication and rapid technology nowadays. It has become an integral part of people's daily lives, whether considered learning or practicing life. People become dependent on various areas. It saves time and provides them with the information and jobs they need. It can also store a lot of data related to such areas in a short time and make it easier to retrieve what has been stored easily and conveniently. There is no doubt that police departments use computers like other colleagues in different institutions. Therefore, it is used in many functions such as security, communication, criminal investigations and others. I will talk about computers useful to police officers. Communication for the police. The police use devices for communication. They want communication for members and help for people who need it. For example, the police work in the country every time, and communication between them solves problems, if necessary help. The police subsequently communicated to obtain information on the matter...