Topic > Jealousy and self-interpretation - 1318

Jealousy is an intrinsically relational phenomenon considered as a multidimensional experience, made up of cognitive, emotional and coping behaviors (Aylor, 2004; Fleischmann et. al, 2005; Pfeiffer and Wong, 1989 ; Jealousy typically occurs when there is a potential threat or actual loss of a valued relationship between self and another due to a real or imagined rival for one's partner's attention (DeSteno & Salovey, 1996; Fleischmann et al. .al, 2005; Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989; These real or perceived threats cause individuals to experience and respond to jealousy differently, as most researchers believe that jealousy is not a single emotion, but a combination of internal and external negative emotions. Some people may internally experience pain, anger, and fear of the loss or deterioration of an important relationship (Aylor, 2004; Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989; Strom & Aune, 2008; White & Mullen, 1989); while other people may experience external manifestations of jealousy, such as crying, taking revenge, withdrawing, using surveillance or even becoming aggressive (Fleischmann et. al, 2005). Although jealousy manifests itself in a variety of forms and levels of intensity, it always results from an interaction between predispositions and a triggering event. An individual's response to jealousy can be direct or indirect depending on the severity of the relational threat posed by a potential rival. (Bevan and Tidgewell, 2009; Theiss and Solomon, 2006). Serious relationship problems often require direct communication to resolve the issue. Direct responses often include approaching your partner or rival in face-to-face communication. For example, a jealous partner might approach the rival to alter the relationship and create feelings of discomfort or anxiety, both of which can lead to a decrease in intimacy. As a result, individuals can take steps to reduce uncertainty and improve the relationship with their partner. A fourth goal is to reevaluate the relationship that occurs when individuals experience discontent in their relationship, so they can reexamine the relationship by weighing the costs and benefits attributed to it. The final intended cognitive goal is to restore fairness through retaliation and occurs when partners in unfair relationships participate in behaviors driven by the need to restore fairness in the relationship (e.g., point-equalizing tactics). Understanding how these cognitive goals impact the experience of jealousy is an essential first step in understanding how an individual will express jealous behaviors..