Topic > Essay on Health Laws and Regulations - 1888

Health Laws and RegulationsHealth laws and regulations affect the delivery of health services in the United States. Health care regulatory and regulatory agencies develop and enforce laws to protect and improve access to affordable health care for all Americans. Regulatory agencies influence healthcare organizations, healthcare providers, drug and drug companies, and healthcare research. Role of Regulatory Agencies The role of healthcare regulatory agencies (Pope, 2010) is to monitor healthcare facilities, establish standards for healthcare providers, promulgate healthcare information, promote safety, and provide accreditation services to organizations providing healthcare . Health care regulatory agencies have existed for centuries. The role of the US government in regulating health care is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution and the legislative branch of Congress give the government, both federal and state, the power to protect the welfare, health, and safety of all Americans. The Social Security Amendment Act of 1935 was signed into law to provide federal assistance to the elderly during the Great Depression of 1930. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson passed a comprehensive bill that introduced Medicare. The Medicare bill introduced government intervention in healthcare programs and outlined the government's role in medical and healthcare practices. Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies establish rules and regulations for the preservation of public health ranging from injury and disease prevention, sanitation, waste disposal, and environmental protection (Pope, 2010). The Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) is the government......middle of paper......regulation in America. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 38(2), 427-432.Sirgo, H., (2011). US Department of Health and Human Services. In The American Economy: A Historical Encyclopedia. Retrieved from _s_department_of_health_and_human_services/0Thompson, D., (2013, 07). US hospitals triple use of electronic health records: report. USNews & World Report, 1. Retrieved from, M., (2012). Evolution of the EHR. Journal of AHIMA, 83(10), 24-30. Retrieved from, J., (2001). The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA): What it is and what it means for doctors. Baylor University Medical Center proceedings, October 14(4), 339–346.