I think community learning is an essential part of learning that allows for the integration of learning skills crucial to living in our world and to studying traditional subjects. This type of learning motivates students by teaching them through real-world examples and making it relevant and tangible. I also love Dewey's concept of hands-on learning and wish there was more time in the modern curriculum of schools to allow for this type of learning. Hands-on learning truly allows students to fully understand otherwise abstract concepts and apply them to life. Community learning and practical education with a combination of Freire's critical pedagogy, dialogic pedagogy and problem posing model is a great experience of many different types of learning and further pushes the limits of understanding. I think the combination of all these great concepts and ways of teaching and learning can really empower a student to study and seek genuine knowledge. Sometimes in modern schools there is a disconnect in seeking this knowledge from genuine interest, however, I believe that if we mix and combine all the positive aspects of these great philosophers we can have a truly revolutionary classroom that promotes authentic