Domestic violence is a constant problem among couples in society. This violence is not something new; it has been around for a long time. Domestic violence can range from physical, mental and emotional. When a couple is in an intimate relationship or is married, one of the individuals in the relationship tries to dominate the other partner by trying to control him or her. This is commonly called domestic violence. Every year the vast majority of domestic violence cases go unreported. This may be because the victim believes that their spouse will hurt them more if the police are involved or that the victim thinks they can resolve and stop the violence on their own. The public is more aware that women are the victims. A male being abused does not often attract public attention. It is believed that males should be masculine and be able to tolerate abuse. Abused Men: The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence provides diaries of men who have suffered abuse and their emotions in the aftermath. Some men in the book had called the police and the officers had laughed at them and no charges had been brought against the women or their spouses. It has taken time for the police and courts to recognize the fact that males can become victims of their wives. Spousal abuse is now recognized as a violent act against any gender. Domestic violence is not considered a gender crime. Men are often overlooked as the main focus is on women and children who experience assault. The number of men who are victims of domestic violence is unclear. Approximately 546,000 men consider themselves victims of domestic violence. Approximately 653,000 women consider themselves victims (Smol, 2010). Many men who are victims of domestic violence do not report it to anyone. P......middle of paper......times of spousal abuse. CBC News: Canada. Retrieved from Canada. (2011, January 27). Reasons for Not Reporting Spousal Violence to the Police, by Sex, 2009. Retrieved from of Violence. (2011, February 16). Research-Domestic Violence. Retrieved from (January 2, 2010). Violent women cause more harm [YouTube video]. Retrieved from (November 10, 2012). Victims of domestic violence by women are increasing. 40% of the victims are men. Retrieved from