Acknowledgments I would like to express my greatest gratitude to my Liberal Studies teacher, Miss LPS, who gave me helpful and constructive advice during the survey study. I would also like to specially thank my interviewees: Dr. MARTINEZ LOPEZ, Miguel Angel, Dr. JOHNSON, Thomas, Dr. James GLEDHILL, Mr. Tam Yiu-chung and Ms. Emily LAU Wai-hing, for donating your precious experience and knowledge. Finally, I am grateful to all interviewees for providing valuable insights. IndexIntroduction P. 4Research objectives and key questions P. 5Methodology P. 6 - 7Literature review P. 8Results and analysis P. 9 - 21Conclusion P. 22Reflections P. 23Bibliography and References P. 24 - 26Appendix P. 27 - 32IntroductionI am interested in the "civil disobedience" topic because it recently attracted public attention from "Occupy Central" proposed by Dr. Benny TAI Yiu-ting. To understand the topic, a definition of “civil disobedience” is needed. The most widely accepted is that defined by John Rawls in 1971. Civil disobedience is a public, nonviolent, and conscientious violation of the law undertaken to bring about a change in laws or government policies. Furthermore, the person who practices civil disobedience is willing to accept the legal consequences, demonstrating loyalty to the rule of law. In addition to Occupy Central, class boycotts in universities against national education and the establishment of Citizens Radio are civil disobedience in Hong Kong. On the other hand, the first important concept in the study is “socio-political participation”, including civil disobedience. However, secondary school students are not encouraged to participate due to the law-breaking nature. The second......middle of the paper......cupy-central-hong-kong-protesters-enter-their-secondday.html. Retrieved July 13, 2014.13. 戴國輝(2008年9月14日)。《衝擊孫明揚官邸,長毛罪成,法官:私人屋苑住客私隱,凌駕示威者權利》 。蘋果日報。14. 李彭廣 (October 30, 2011). 龍子明(2013年5月28日)。《龍聲飛揚:警惕「佔中」毀壞青少年學生前途》。文匯報。16. 龍子明(2013年7月24日)。《龍聲飛揚:「佔中」是個禍,貽害年輕人》。文匯報。17. 練乙錚(2013年9月2日)。《法治精神 ,你選哪一層?》。信報通識。18. 下載於2013年11月10日。19. 《具體的行動是甚麼?為何是「佔領」?》。和平佔中,,下載於2014年4月8日。20. See the article 2014年4月8日. 21. See article ,下載於2014年4月8日。22. 明報。《法治的定義》。明報通識網, 721CAE0 C, 下載於2014年7月12日。